Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Activism Log 6

March 28 – April 3

  • Activism

This show has been half-heartedly called “the failed show.” Although it did not completely fail (we had fun and we did a semi-decent broadcast) it showed that we needed to rethink our strategy. We planned to talk about Health Care Reform (which just became law that week) and the abortion related Stupak Amendment for at least two hours. However, we blazed through all of our talking points in about half an hour and received no call-ins. We had depended on our “controversial” topic to cause people to call in (and it was not like we did have any listeners that night), but we did not engage them enough to do so. We filled the remaining airtime with recent news that could be taken as feminist, like the ex-gay decision at Disney.

  • Reflection

We expected a raucous debate betwixt the five of us, but even abortion, called by Kirk and Okazawa-Rey an “issue central to women's autonomy and will continue to be highly contentious”, we all ended up agreeing on the topic (214). In the latter half of the show, Debbie began to act as the devil's advocate to make a debate actually happen.

  • Reciprocity

This show taught me and the group as a whole that not every week would be easy. The nervous glances around the studio as silence began to fill the room and our airtime are things I do not wish to revisit.

Kirk, Gwyn, and Margo Okazawa-Rey. "Women's Bodies, Women's Health" Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 207-24. Print.

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