Monday, February 22, 2010

Activism Log 1

February 14-20
  • This week, we accomplished several things. We were able to meet with our community partner and figure out the schedule for the Feminist Agenda Radio. We reviewed how we could help the radio program, like hosting one of their weekly shows, making people aware of the show via spreading flyers and tabling outside the Student Union, and creating a commercial for the show. As a group, we decided to focus on making people aware of the show and to start handing out flyers. We learned that the first show of the semester would be on February 22nd, and it would be a "welcome back" show. The content would consist of a preview of the shows coming up, and it would be a chance for us (the volunteers) to learn how to use the equipment.
  • All that we have done this week has been planning. In the weeks prior we just have been speculating about what we will be doing, but now we have a solid idea. Seely's chapter "Fight Like A Girl" in her titular book has a list of ways to be involved, and she finishes it with "[d]on't let taking action overwhelm you" (19). Once I learned I would be doing a service learning project I was overwhelmed, fearing that I would be thrown in the deep in like in my previous service learning classes, but now that I know what is expected of me and what I will be doing I feel much more confident.
  • This project is giving me a sense of how to get things done. I am learning how to stay motivated and make sure to get done what needs to be done.
Seely, Megan. Fight Like a Girl How to be a Fearless Feminist. New York: NYU, 2007. Print.

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