Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Service Learning Proposal

Service Learning Proposal

Feminist Agenda Radio

Dominique Gelin

Schuyler Kerby

Josh Simpkins

Evan Wyss

February 3rd, 2010

Jeanina Perez

WST 3015

Community Partner: Feminist Agenda Radio

Address: 4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando, FL 32817

RE: Community Partner Profile

Community Partner Mission Statement

“The Feminist Agenda is a group of feminist minded people coming together to address and combat issues of patriarchal happenings, specifically in the UCF/Orlando area.” - Feminist Agenda Facebook ®page

Political and/or Social Basis of Organization

Feminist Agenda Radio is a radio show that plays music and discusses feminism and topics dealing with inequality, women, gay rights, masculinity, and general societal factors pertaining to oppression.

Community Partner Needs

We will be assisting our community partner in the research required for the weekly shows and help them in any other area where they need us.


To: Jeanina Perez

From: D. Gelin, S. Kerby, J. Simpkins, E. Wyss

Date: February 3rd, 2010

RE: Service Learning Proposal

Below, our group has outlined our Service Learning Project. The summary will explain why our presence at Feminist Agenda Radio will be beneficial for the program. It will also explain how we intend to execute our goal, how it relates to our studies, and the way in which we will work with Feminist Agenda Radio.

Need for Feminist Agenda Radio

Mission Statement: The Feminist Agenda is a group of feminist minded people coming together to address and combat issues of patriarchal happenings, specifically in the UCF/Orlando area.

In mainstream society, “feminist minded people” are portrayed as “no fun, whining critics who are out to destroy men and the male establishment.” (Kirk and Okazawa-Rey, p. 5) The simple reality, however, is that feminists are simply individuals striving for gender equality. We do not hate men, and our goal is not to unravel the very fabric of society.

When activists collectively “combat issues of patriarchal happenings,” we are combating issues and institutions that put women in subordinate positions to men. These include, but are certainly not limited to unequal pay, control over reproductive rights, violence, poverty, racism, sexuality--anything that grants privilege to a dominant group.

Plan Proposal

After speaking with the community partner, we found that F.A.R. needs most help with promotions and developing episodes. It is anticipated that each group member will lead a discussion on air about a different topic at least once during course of the semester.

Rationale for Women’s Studies

The radio show does its best to bring to light issues directly affecting women in the U.S. and in Central Florida in particular. Without praxis, education becomes secluded to its ivory towers. With this in mind, the group feels that a radio show as outspoken as this one fits in perfectly with the material discussed in class.


After our next face-to-face meeting with our community partner, the section will be expanded on. Nevertheless, we know that the bulk of our work will manifest itself in new media promotion (e.g. social networking sites, email lists, text messages) in addition to more traditional methods of advertisement. We will likely table outside the Student Union during the week, handing out flyers and working with other Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) to inform their members and the general student body.

Tentative Timeline (Subject to Change)

January 28th Established contact with Debbie

February 3rd Submit proposal

February 9th Meeting at 12:30pm in the library with Debbie

February 10th Revised timeline in group meeting

February 19th Have flyer template ready for advertising

Flyer must include Date and Time of shows, the Knightcast website, and

the Facebook group.

TBD First Feminist Agenda Radio meeting, take meeting minutes

TBD Feminist Agenda Radio meets with other feminist groups, take meeting minutes

March 17th Deadline to choose show topic

March 24th Have research for topic ready

March 31st Put research together in order to have an organized show

April 5th Ready for our show to air


Kirk, Gwyn, and Margo Okazawa-Rey. Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print.

Seely, Megan. Fight Like a Girl How to be a Fearless Feminist. New York: NYU, 2007. Print.

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